Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is this thing on??

Hello.... readers?

I guess I don't really know a lot about what I'm doing here... actually I have no idea what I'm doing here. My assumption is that I am typing in this box to inevitably press "publish post", where in turn, this blob of text will appear on my... wall? You would think that since I practically left the womb with a cell phone and could type my name on a laptop before I could say it, blogging would come naturally. The truth is though, to this point, I have given a big "suck it" to social media sites. Why???? say you? I happen to believe in the age-old concept of face to face interaction.... I also believe it to be narcissistic and self-absorbed.

.....End painfully ironic blurb of anti-social media-ness on a social media site....

Let's try this again, shall we?? Hi! I am a fashion, decor, art, pretty things FaNaTiC! I'm totally obsessed. What better way to share the pretty things that I have found with other people to hopefully in turn, see the pretty things that they have found?! That sounds like a beautiful idea to me.

I promise I am not a grandpa, contrary to my sense of humor and my affinity for the "good old days". I'm hip err.. cool... eh.. down-wit-it definitely not..... I'm young!!!!!!!

...now if I could just figure out how to upload.....

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